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Tribute App: Redefining Professional Mentorship

Join the community movement to redefine mentorship. We help professional women connect through shared life experiences and stories.

pledged of$20,000 goal
0Days Left
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Project Description

NEW! Watch our feature on King 5 News! 

Meet The Founder 

Hi! I'm Sarah. CEO and Founder of Tribute. I studied Anthropology to explore my deep interest in what makes people and society tick. I've spend the past 10 years at a large tech company running successful global marketing campaigns. During that time, I received my MBA, and having experienced the business world, I can tell you that things simply aren't clicking for women in the workplace.  Originally from the Midwest, I value hard work and I am decisive.  When I see a problem, I fix it. When I have a dream, I go for it. Tribute is the culmination of my desire to make a societal impact by helping both women and businesses succeed.  And as a founder-market fit, I know the importance of having a mentorship community for professional women, in a format that works for them.

Meet the rest of our team on our website

Our Mission 

Our mission is to redefine the way professional women find mentors, helping women achieve their personal and professional goals by finding their tribe. 

The Problem

Talk to any woman, myself included, and it's evident that the mentorship opportunities available to professional women today aren't meeting our needs.

Despite the time, money and best efforts invested the connections we make feel forced and lack authenticity. This is because corporate programs reduce our life experiences down to a set of statistics, without paying Tribute to the stories and lessons behind them. We don't live nine to five lives -- we need programs that are available when we need them, where we need them, and delivered in a safe, reliable way. 

The Solution

Tribute is an on-demand app designed for professional women. Women join the app by sharing their life experiences and ambitions, and then connect with other women --either within, or outside of their company -- who want to help. Perhaps you're a woman seeking advice on how to manage tough team dynamics.  You might prefer a mentor outside of your company.  Whereas a woman looking to navigate the career ladder within her company might look for a mentor within the halls of her company.  Tribute offers a solution for both scenarios within one app. 

Our target audience is professional women -- and the companies they work for. Successful women too often feel isolated and alone. Tribute helps us connect with one another to lift one another up, and forward. Tribute also provides a means for companies to attract, retain and develop female talent.  Studies show that multigendered leadership teams perform better. A lot better in fact. An Oct 2017 study by McKinsey showed companies with women in leadership positions saw a 47% higher return on equity. Promoting women isn't just good for us, it's good for business.  And we know, that women remain and excel in workplaces where they feel heard, valued and part of a community. 

Our Campaign Goal 

We're raising money through iFundwomen to build a beta experience of the app that will demonstrate traction for this idea, conduct early user testing and targeting, and grow our network of women.  When women connect-- when we find our tribe -- we are empowered, and capable of achieving our most aspirational goals; without sacrificing who we are, or what we believe in. 

Tribute is that place where women can find their Tribe. 




The Campaign FAQs

When will the mobile app be available? 

Great question! Hopefully within Q2 of 2019. We're raising money to build our v1 experience of the app, which will be available in Q4 of 2018. The goal is to demonstrate traction for our idea in order to seek additional investment funding. 

How will it work? 

Women join the app by sharing a life experience that has defined them. That experience is then featured in the platform for other women to read, and connect with.  Women can manually search for a mentor, join a tribe and or sign up for our mentor matching services. 

When can I redeem my reward? 

If you've ordered the workout tee, I will be in contact mid-October at the end of our campaign to get your size. You should receive your gear in mid-November.  If this is a gift and you need a rush order, just reach out.

For all other service based rewards, ASAP! I'll reach out directly and we'll plan the timeline together.  







MEN! Pay Tribute To...
Rachel Riesberg-Lemka
Monetary Contribution
Megan Files
Tribute Logo Sticker & Beta Tester
Rachel LaValley
Find your Tribe Workout Tee & Playlist
Monetary Contribution
Find your Tribe Workout Tee & Playlist
Tell your Story
Eve Enslow
Tell your Story
Jan Chapman
Tell your Story
Find your Tribe Workout Tee & Playlist
Monetary Contribution

Help us MATCH our $5,000 winnings from the IFundWomen Pitch Competition! 

20 Supporters
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About the Entrepreneur

Seattle, WA
Created 1 Campaign


Monetary Contribution

Help us MATCH our $5,000 winnings from the IFundWomen Pitch Competition! 

20 Supporters
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