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America's Hometown!

Dear friends,


Two years ago I embarked on my crowdunding journey to raise funds to complete my children’s book catalog. I am excited to share with you that next week, the latest book in the series will be mailed to those of you who selected the Philadelphia book as an option for you! 


In the past few years there have been many exciting developments that I want to share with you:

  • Where is Robin  is now sold in nearly 50 Barnes & Noble stores and 100 independent book and gift stores.
  • Where is Robinhas been stocked to over 1,000 libraries around the United States! 
  • Where is Robin was the family travel partner for the Capital Hill Hotel this past summer!


There are many exciting adventures ahead and I look forward to sharing new activities and adventures during the month of October. Stay tuned for a full calendar of activities and opportunities to create lasting memories with the kids in your life!


It's not too late to support our crowdfunding campaign and purchase other books for kids in your life! Our books on the USA, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia will ship immediately. Our titles on New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco will be available next spring.


If you enjoyed your experience with the series or if it has helped you in some way to create a lasting memory with the children in your life, I would love if you could leave a review of our titles on the USALos Angeles, or Washington, D.C. Reviews help new readers discover the joy of Where is Robin and create similar lasting memories. 


During the month of October, I am hosting a pledge drive with the goal of receiving 100 reviews each of our books. Like every pledge drive, our favorite review will receive a special gift of appreciation announced on November 1st!


Best, Robin