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Thank you!

Thank you for backing our crowdfunding campaign to support For:Belonging, the second issue of For magazine! While we didn’t reach our goal, we are moving forward with production, and can’t wait to share these stories with you. We have moved our schedule back a little, and are currently expecting to ship your preorder in December, and should hit newsstands in January. If you know anyone else interested in reading the issue, we have opened up preorders through our website, and we still have some copies of issue one available.

We will follow up with you directly to confirm your mailing address once we have definitive ship date.

If you backed us with a two-pack (issues one and two) your copy of issue one should have already shipped. If you backed us at a level with additional rewards – such as a photo print – it will ship with your copy of the magazine.

Thank you for your support. We’ll keep you posted as we get closer to delivery.



Katie, Patrick, Marina & Ben