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That's a Wrap... and Rewards Coming Soon!

We have successfully wrapped up our crowdfunding campaign and are still basking in all the love and support we received from all of you! Including the campaign extension, we raised $21,000 plus the $2,160 we received in cash, bringing us to a grand total of $23,160!! We could not be more excited to have this generous amount ready to Build This House! 

We are now focusing on fulfilling the rewards, so expect to see additional correspondence from us in the next few weeks to finalize details on the orders. We just received the koozies, are working with the t-shirt printer, and have Good Sugar Baking ready to start baking the pretzels soon!

We are most appreciative for each and every one of you… not only for believing in the mission of Our Front Porch but also being there for people displaced from home fires. On the behalf of our past and future clients, thank you for being amazing humans!

Thank you!