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Business Strategy

JDP Consult

Starting a business takes gumption. Growing and scaling requires ruthless prioritization and a vision to drive towards. Running a business means a flood of work, decisions and leadership. With the right accountability, plan and ownership, leaders of companies can blossom into their higher self and flourish their business.

The barrier? Time and accountability.

JDP Consult's business strategy and coaching is for those who want to transform from a “boss” to “owner” within the company.

  • Advisor: Providing clients with advice on new plans and strategies.
  • Accountability: Keeping clients accountable and motivated.
  • Goal Planning: Communicating with clients to better understand their vision and goals.
  •  Personal Development: Assisting clients in using their personal skills for the betterment of their business.
  • *These services can be provided as an a la carte menu based on the businesses's needs. Pricing will adjust based on the different service offerings selected. Timing can be project based or monthly retainers.

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