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40% Funded in Week 1!!

Funders!! Thanks to you, we've made it to 40% funded in the first week!

*insert mind-blown emoji here*

We are so incredibly grateful for your support, and we are PUMPED to start sending your super cute merch goodies out to you. It brings us so much joy to be able to share a slice of Benny Boy with you all, even before we open!

Over the last week, we've welcomed 40(!) Friends with Bennyfits members, which we're so excited about. Our goal for the campaign is to max out at 100 members. Help us get there. Recruit your buddies, so we can make each pick up party and event extra super fun!!   

We are humbled by your support, and cannot wait to make you proud. Thank you again, and here's to making the rest of the campaign a wild success! Please remember, we cannot do this without you. Your support is everything to us. 

Cheers! Chelsey & Ben