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Home stretch!

Have you ever been on a long road trip, and are in the home stretch when all of a sudden, the giggles set in?

18 hours is about it until I am so tired and ready to be home, in my own bed, that I get a little giddy. OK, maybe a lot. The excitement of the journey ahead of us and arriving at home overcomes all sensibility.

When I think of how far we have come in such a short time, I get excited. For everyone that I have met along the way, who have hearts bigger than the ocean!


You go beyond yourself and pave the way for others we will never meet face to face. At least I don't think so. But what if we did?

The "what if's" make me excited as if it's been an 18 hour road trip.

The "what if" someone donates to "The Great Passion Play" on our behalf?

The "What if" a group of people sponsored 10, 20, 50, or 100 bricks?

The "What if" we kept moving forward beyond what we can physically see?

My faith rose up with so much excitement that I began to laugh. With God all things are possible and I can since the change coming. Thank you for joining us on this journey!!!!!

I can't wait for you to see what's coming in a couple of days.

Make sure to follow our studio page on facebook, instagram, twitter so you don't miss a beat.