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Nov 26 - 19,805USD - 4 Days Left!

Total collected in USD through the campaign is 17,424USD as of today with 2,381USD converted from Canadian dollar orders - THAT IS AMAZING!

There are 4 days left  to reach the 20K target on the campaign page (and hopefully go beyond that target so we can order even more sizes!).  That's only 8 Truli-Ful the Beautiful pre-orders!

Total raised to date from all currencies:  $19,805USD

Total Funders to date:  93

  • Total Wetsuit Pre-Orders:  56 (70% of new target-80)
  • Partner Rewards from Stream2Sea, Scuba Sisters, Truli Apparel:  22
  • Exclusive Experience ~ Dive with Mia:  2
  • Monetary Contributions:  9 (Thank-you, DAD!)
  • I Believe in You! Contributions:  4

Thank-you all so much!  The 20K will just barely cover a minimum order and some sizes outside of the pre-orders will have to be left off, so if you know of anyone who has been thinking about contributing, please encourage them so we can go above and beyond the target!

Are you Canadian/British/Australian and can't contribute in USD?  Make your pre-order here.