Relaunching Natous HERBS
Its about you and its about time so lets help natous grow and help you gain your confidence back .

Project Description
Natous herbs mission is to heal and teach every women and Men about vaginal health & skincare health using herbs and also its crafty for family fun . 80 % of our culture are still using chemical based products that has harmful chemical ingredients such as fragrances, Parabens , Sodium Laureth Sulfate & Sodium Lauryl Sulfate that can have your skin feeling itchy dry and even causes break outs . Natous Herbs has over 500 customers and we would love to continue grow our numbers over to the 1,000s , and as for the opportunity we will be able to help every one who has problematic skin , low self esteem & we can help women with vaginal health problems with the the help of herbs . Using Natous Herbs will leave your skin feeling wonderful with our organic ingredients made with love , Organic Herbs , plant Carrier Oils and also the loving essential oil that had therapeutic properties to the skin , Natous Herbs skin care products helps Fight Acne , Eczema, Psoriasis, Wound Scars , Dark Spots , Hyperpigmentation, also evening out skin tone , Natous Herbs Also specializes women hygiene care statistics say that 83 % shows that colored women are more likely to buy over the counter medications who suffer from Vaginal Yeast infections , vaginal odor and STD , the same 83% of colored women reported that the over counter medications showed no improvement but once switched over to Natous herbs products they seen results within minutes of using our natural products. We are seeking funding because we would like to have a better working environment where we can make our natural herbal crafts in a comfortable work place by adding windows , ventilations , also hiring a few extra people , also this will help us pay off our students loans because we are always denied for business approval credit , in conclusion it allow us to have the proper equipment for our very high volume of orders . Natous herbs has a wonderful spiritual team of GOD Loving people such as , NATALIE (OWNER) ROSE (MOTHER OF THE OWNER) and Sam ( Older Brother ) we have a family , our teammates are our family we treat everyone with respect and love. WE WOULD LOVE TO SAY THANK YOU TO everyone who has gotten to have a better understanding about natous herbs and how help our communities with our herbal products , thank you so much we really appreciate this opportunity may God bless Us All .
The Campaign FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions:
who is natou ? Like others, I have always dreamed of owning my own Trio Company such as a birthing center , Gynecologist office and Herbal Skincare shop , i know how it feels to have healthy glowing skin and also having self confidence within . Natous was created for women who lost their confidence in the bedroom also helping women fight infertility & keeping the yoni healthy also Natous herbs was created to promote healthy growing skin for all skin types such as seborrheic dermatitis , Acne ,eczema & Psoriasis
How will we know if your herbal products are working ? you will begine to see improvement in your skin , you may seem to feel a little bit of dryness that is because our products extract toxins and impurities from your skin just pair it with our goldie glowing skin serum and you should be good to go.
Where can I purchase Natous Products?
Where can I purchase Natous Products?
Where can I purchase Natous Products?
We are based only online, we are soon moving into to our warehouse .
When do Natous Restock ?
Where can I purchase Natous Products?
Where can I purchase Natous Products?
Natous usually restocks every 3-4 Weeks .
How long does shipping take ?
Can all of the bars be used for full body use ?
Can all of the bars be used for full body use ?
All orders are shipped within 10-17 business days. shipping days for restock are only Saturdays .
Can all of the bars be used for full body use ?
Can all of the bars be used for full body use ?
Can all of the bars be used for full body use ?
Yes , if the bar can be used for your yoni area then it definitely can be used all over your body .
Just Because I Care
Just Because I Care