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JCHHOMES Needs You to Support Community

Help us raise funds to give away backpacks, coats, toys, foods to low-income family's children and to support our general management.

pledged of$10,000 goal
0Days Left

Project Description

​​​​​​Our Mission

JCHHOMES mission is to reduce the harm associated with unstable housing and homelessness among New York City’s most vulnerable populations by offering a range of supportive community services, eventually supportive housing. Our program objectives include raising funding and giveaway backpacks, coats,  toys, foods to low-income family's children and to support our general management.

Who We Are

JCHHOMES, Inc. is a nonprofit organization based in Queens, New York. JCHHOMES offers a range of community-based services, mostly housing-related, to underserved populations, especially those at risk of homelessness. JCHHOMES was founded with the intent of helping the community, especially those who are at risk of homelessness.

As homelessness continues to rise in New York City—and more so with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic—JCHHOMES, Inc. recognizes that affordable quality housing is an urgent need and accepts the clarion call to take action. JCHHOMES, Inc.’s vision is to have a society where all individuals have safe, affordable, and permanent housing.

What We've Done Already

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, JCHHOMES gave out care packages to residents of a senior housing complex in Jamaica, Queens, as seniors were a vulnerable population and often had difficulty obtaining essential items.

JCHHOMES gave out care packages to residents of a senior housing complex in Jamaica, Queens

In addition, JCHHOMES hosted a six-week support program for those who needed a place to release stress and share information on how to cope with the COVID pandemic.

During the 2020 Christmas holiday, JCHHOMES successfully gave away toys to children in Queens and Brooklyn to make sure that they had a good Christmas and focused on the joy that the season had to offer, not on the pain and suffering that COVID was placing on their young minds.

Toys give away in 2020

JCHHOMES always finds means to help the community in ways that say, “We are here to serve, and we care about what is happening in our communities.”

Your Help Matters

Your investment of money will complete the funding we need to fully implement this project, we need your support.

  • Raise funding for giveaway backpacks, coats, toys, foods to low-income family's children
  • Provide health care packages to residents of a senior housing complex
  • Support our general management

We believe that this project will introduce our organization and services to an extremely underserved population. With your help, we can bring this vision into reality and more children can get better resources for them to go to school, elder people have better health support, and improved quality of life for our community.  Thank you so much for helping us support our community service forward!


The Campaign FAQs

Is JCHHOMES a Black-owned business?

Yes, JCHHOMES is a Black, woman-owned business. 

How else can I support you?

Thanks for asking! You can go to our website: and support our charity, we will appreciate and thank you for your donation to support our community service.

Can I pay with a debit or credit card?
Yes, this option is available once you click on the PayPal option.





Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

0 Supporters
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About the Entrepreneur

Jamaica, NY
Created 1 Campaign
Social Good


Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

0 Supporters
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