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Leveraging Online Fundraising for Your Business (WE BOS Week Event)

WE BOS & Kate Anderson

Director of Operations at IFundWomen

Why you should take this workshop

Whether you’ve got a side hustle, an early-stage non-profit, or a B2B or B2C product, you need startup capital in order to launch and grow it. In times of economic uncertainty, online fundraising has proven to be a reliable option for entrepreneurs.Join Kate Anderson, Co-founder at IFundWomen, the go-to funding marketplace for women-owned businesses, for an interactive workshop on leveraging online fundraising for your business. You’ll walk away from this workshop with the knowledge and confidence you need to successfully fundraise. WE BOS Week is the City of Boston's annual week-long series of events designed to support women entrepreneurs. This year's theme is Striving and Thriving during Covid. This event is free and open to the public.