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End of October 2023 Update

As of 10/31/2023, we have 14 machines. 9 are located and we are working on joining Rotary Club and local Chambers to get leads on the others. We just built out a trailer with a drop gate and winch system to help us transport the machines. We are rocking and rolling! Our goal is to have 25 machines by this time next year. Your donations were used to transport the machines to the locations as we had to pay moving services and to buy food to stock them! Here are our locations so far (most in Sanford and few in Longwood): 

  1. Five Bundles Distribution (Warehouse operation delivering the Orlando Sentinel) 
  2. Seminole PowerSports
  3. Elevation High School 
  4. Ethnos360 
  5. Parks Lincoln of Longwood (3 machines)
  6. VForce Marine
  7. Sod Express Nursery