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The ThYck Fitness "Natural" Mommy-Makeover

My classes uniquely combines dance aerobics, aerobic stepper, weights, resistance bands, weight balls and pole dance fitness.

pledged of$30,000 goal
0Days Left

Project Description

  • What is the mission of your company or project? I designed my business based on my compassion since I was 4 years old to dance. Then secondly my passion for fitness, staying healthy and in shape, and to help make other black women feel beautiful from inside out. Helping to build or rebuild their confidence in themselves through working out and staying fit, eating and training your body right the natural way, encouraging them that it can be done without surgery! I offer dance aerobics classes that fit all ages, sizes, levels!
  • Describe the problem you are solving.  There are a lot of women, especially minority women who either want to lose weight or gain it, and all are opting out of the best way, the natural way. Eating right and working out, consistently. Instead they opt out to elective surgery to feel good about themselves. So many women are being misled/misinformed and they are dying rapidly, or scarring themselves for the rest of their lives trying to have a surgical "Mommy Makeover". They believe having the surgery to flatten their tummies, or get a bigger butt is going to solve all of their problems, but it is actually causing them many more problems in the long run.  It is become a widespread problem, and I want to help stop the number of fatalities, and the number of women having to get reconstructive surgery to fix the problem. 
  • What is the market size/opportunity? The market size is unlimited! There are thousands of women all over the country that want to look and feel good about themselves. 
  • What is your company/product about and how does it solve the problem? My clients always tell me how they love being able to come to my classes with no judgement, no experience, all different types of levels of experience/inexperience and still all thrive together! A very unique dynamic of my classes is the way all aspects of a full body workout are compelled together in a fun, vibrant way. Popular playlist with all genres, with dance moves that are fun, but more importantly targets certain key elements of the body to burn calories, reduce fat, repair injuries.  My classes uniquely combines dance aerobics, aerobic stepper, weights, resistance bands, weight balls and pole dance fitness. I wanted to have a version of Zumba but for us black women, not based off hispanic women.  I wanted to focus on our culture, and our music, and our special styles of dance. 
  • Why are you seeking funding and how will you spend the funding? I am currently contracted thru the City Of St. Petersburg, as a fee instructor at Gladden Park recreation center.  However, that makes my classes and the things I really want to do and achieve with my classes very limited. I am seeking funding to be able to purchase my own physical location to not only teach the aerobics dance classes, but to be able to offer a more broader span, ex: meal prepping 1 on 1, offer resources and information for pregnant women, especially black women, offer resources and information for abused women and/or children. To offer a platform for women to come and get confidence or regain their confidence thru working out and staying healthy. 


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Just Because I Care

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About the Entrepreneur


Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

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