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Startup funding for Squeaky Clean Bins

Squeaky Clean Bins will be a women-owned business. Providing garbage bin cleaning services with eco-friendly cleaners & limited water usage!

pledged of$35,000 goal
0Days Left

Project Description

At Squeaky Clean Bins our mission is to provide a service for homeowners to keep their garbage bins clean in a eco-friendly way. Being a women in the labor industry can be hard to get started in. Growing up on my family's dairy farm I have always had to work hard for what I have wanted. Also, living on my family dairy farm has also made it so I am not afraid of a little hard work or dirty jobs. 

Currently, this service is not offered in this area. With adding this service to the area I will be able to provide a better, eco-friendly way for garbage bins to be cleaned. Right now when people clean their garbage bins they could be using harsh chemicals and then dumping that waste water in their lawn or down the road. This will in turn soak into our environment either by the ground or through the water system. Also, by providing this service we will dispose of the waste water and byproducts so that will not go into their lawn or the environment.

Our marketing plan is we are going to start with some of the bigger communities around our area. We will be placing information on a facebook page, which we will be making soon. Also, we will be making yard banners to put around in different communities and also hanging flyers around. The opportunity for this business I think has unlimited potential. Being able to get this business started means the world to me because I want to be able to help my family. Being able to help keep our family farm in our farm is a huge dream of mine and this business would greatly help!

We are asking for funding to help purchase equipment to start this business. We are needing to purchase the machine that performs the washing and collecting of the waste byproducts and a truck to mount the system on.  This business will be run by myself to start and our goal is to expand to have another setup or 2 for my family to be able to get into the business with. I would like to thank everybody that donated to our campaign and to know that this will help us so very much. We appreciate you so very much in helping us make this dream of mine come true!



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Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

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About the Entrepreneur

Emerald, WI
Created 1 Campaign
Business Services


Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

0 Supporters
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