Disciplined Free Spirit Retreats(DFS Retreats)

My name is Divina Michael. I'm a solopreneur and I am here to help my fellow spiritual, aspiring boss babes turn their dream life into their real life!


I want to help women work with the Universe in pursuit of their entrepreneurial endeavors by teaching them my Align and Flow Method, which utilizes the spiritual law of least effort. DFS Retreats believes that by immersing yourself in deep feelings of love, joy and gratitude you create the perfect environment for universal flow. These retreats teach you how to do that and you won't find yourself sitting in a workshop to learn it--you'll live it.

My Align & Flow Method encourages you to address the following five aspects of self daily:

  • Fun

  • Physical Fitness

  • Spiritual Growth

  • Entrepreneurial Endeavors

  • Mental Stimulation

Daily purposeful action in those five areas will promote self development and personal growth. When it comes to entrepreneurship the first thing you need to work on is you.

This method is so simple and straightforward, but it takes discipline to keep it up. Align & Flow is all about fluidity. We are humans, not robots, and it’s time we get okay with that. Align & Flow lets you live in the moment, reminds you to check in with yourself and do what feels most true to you.

Entrepreneurs are supposed to be out of the box thinkers, right? So why are we accepting this hustle and grind mentality that’s being forced down our throats everywhere we look? Why ditch the 9-5 only to pick up another set of shitty rules?

Living in alignment with your dharma and flowing with your own energy is without a doubt going to make you feel happy and grateful. I do my best work when I’m feeling happy, and I’m guessing I’m not alone there. When you choose the Align & Flow Method, you may often find you spend an unplanned 13 hour day on your business. The difference is, you won’t notice that time fly by. You won’t burnout. You’ll keep the passion alive! This is a more sustainable and realistic way to pursue entrepreneurship.

After spending one week in Bali practicing this method you will see how the universe supports you when you’re committed to a goal without self doubt or limiting beliefs. When you return home you will be able to recall how fulfilling this way of life truly is. You will have a deep rooted desire to continue experiencing that flow through purposeful action, which will translate into discipline.

I believe we can work towards our goals without sacrificing the needs of our mind, body or soul. 

Come travel through Bali with me. Allow me show you how to apply this method into your life and what it means to be a Disciplined Free Spirit.



I am seeking $10,000 to help me with various start up costs, such as legal and marketing fees. On trips like these you need ample insurance, liability waivers, and to reach a very specific niche demographic. I will be using the majority of these funds on marketing, since that is not exactly a strength of mine.

I'd like to thank my best friend and owner of Sugar and Sand for volunteering her time and photography expertise in Bali to help each retreat guest create beautiful content for their businesses. 

A special thanks to my friend Atilio, Co Founder of Rene, for providing DFS Retreats guests with trip protection insurance.

To the East Bali Poverty Project: I am moved by the work you do and I am excited to donate 5% of DFS Retreats profits to your amazing, life changing organization. Thank you for all you do for the women and children in Bali.

To all of you reading this, thank you so much for your time. If you'd like to help me fund this start up I would truly appreciate it. If you're an aspiring female entrepreneur who wants to utilize her spirituality in order to succeed in business--check out my website dfsretreats.com to learn more about joining me in Bali May 17-24-, 2021.

Thank you! Stay safe out there and I hope you all enjoy the upcoming holiday season.

With love,

Divina Michael, Founder of DFS Retreats