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Help equalize house hold load management between working professionals!

Helps us eliminate partner burn-outs & constant mental exhaustion in relationships.

pledged of$100,000 goal
28Days Left
Fund it
Campaign Ends on June 30, 2024

Project Description

Mission: SyncPartner's mission is to revolutionize relationships by providing a unified platform for partners to coordinate quality time effortlessly, manage their household tasks equally, and foster happier and healthier connections.
Problem: Busy working people often struggle to balance their household responsibilities, leading to stress, resentment, and strained relationships. SyncPartner addresses this by offering a unified platform for partners to manage tasks and prioritize quality time together.
Market Size/Opportunity: The market for relationship management apps is significant and growing, with an increasing demand for solutions that help partners navigate their busy lives. With millions of potential users worldwide, SyncPartner has a vast market opportunity.
Product: SyncPartner is an app designed to help partners share and manage their household tasks equally and equitably. With features like shared task lists, reminders, and a fair point system, SyncPartner ensures that responsibilities are evenly distributed, reducing stress and fostering collaboration. Additionally, the app facilitates coordinating quality time effortlessly through event planning and scheduling features, promoting stronger connections between partners.
Funding: I am currently seeking funding to further develop and scale SyncPartner, expanding the user base and enhancing the platform's features. Funds will also be allocated towards marketing efforts to increase awareness and adoption of the app. Additionally, I plan to invest in customer support and community building initiatives to ensure a positive user experience.
Team: Currently, SyncPartner is led by myself. I am seeking funding to expand my team, which will include developers, designers, concept developers, contend creators and business management professionals. Together, we aim to create a transformative solution for relationship management.
Thank you to our backers for your support! Your contributions are invaluable in helping us achieve our vision of fostering happier and healthier partnerships worldwide.

The Campaign FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions:

What stage is the SyncPartner on?

Syncpartner is in it's very early stages. 

It is currently available to download and use at

Yes, you can go to and download the app for free for 16 days! No payment information required for free trial. 



About the Entrepreneur

Concord, CA
Created 1 Campaign
Health + Science
